My poetry book is slightly updated


My poetry book is slightly updated

Poems for Insects is now formatted a little bit better and has one more poem. I’ve written others since then, but they are being saved for Poems for Bacteria, which is due for release at some non-specific date in the future.

If you already own PfI, you should be able to download the update for free. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you get it, but I wrote it so I am biased. Please make this decision yourself.

My New Years Resolution for 2014


In this coming year, I don’t have a specific goal that I’ve chosen so far. I’m just going to continue being myself and hopefully more-so, which I’m stating here just because.

Since I’m here, I will also say that I will attempt to blog more often I have been recently.

Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow by michelle w. – Our blogs morph over time, as interests shift and life happens. Write a post for your blog — but three years in the future.


Hello again, all y’all horseshoer friends!

Modern horseshoes are most commonly made of st...

Today marks exactly three years since my blog morphed into a full-time horseshoe blog. It has been an enlightening and humbling experience to learn and share this art with my readers, especially since I have still never shoed a real horse.

I think I’d be good at it, having blogged about it for so long and shoeing thousands upon tens of virtual horses in my favorite computer game, Horse-Shoer Fun Time Simulator 2016 ++. I know there is much more to learn about this trade and I am eager to continue my studies. New and stronger shoe materials are discovered every year as are new methods that a shoer must remain on top of or risk being left in the dust.

By the end of 2019, I intend to be so knowledgeable that horses seek me out for their shoes without even being lead here. Of course, they will have to bring their own materials and tools for me to use, and this will be hard without hands, but I will make sure its worth their while.

I look back on the day when this blog was about short fictions, poetry, and my own opinions, and I feel only self-disgust. Horseshoes are what I was born to blog about and I am glad I understand that now.

Thought of the day: 7/23/13


First, I am aware that I have not posted many thoughts or opinions lately here. Please know that I have at least one of them daily. I don’t share most of them because they are either boring or potentially dangerous. Today’s thought might fit in the first box, but probably not the second. You decide.

I was looking at a restaurant menu online and observed that they have chili, which is a good thing because I like chili. I also observed that they call their chili ‘famous’, which inspired today’s thought. Thinking back to other menus that I have read, I remember quite a lot of ‘famous chilis’. In fact, I would not be too surprised to learn that there are no non-famous restaurant chilis. The scariest part is that these rarely cite sources to back up this claim (much like this post). Aren’t there laws against that? 

In my opinion, dishonest menu-makers, and probably myself should be held accountable for their antitruths, spurities, and falsalisms. What will I do about it? Not telling.



Hedgehog (Photo credit: Wikipedia) (unrelated to post)

I’ve been trying for months to convince myself to write something here. This is the result of all that planning.

To clarify, the title of this post was not a yawn. I did not just sleep for months and wake up loudly. It was just a noise. Possibly that of a terrifying mooseduck.

If I ever continue the story that I started in February, it will probably be restarted and not soon. For now, I want to get back in the habit of updating The Slowest of all Possible Elevators with something that resembles dailiness.