Update on the doings done by me while not blogging


Lately, The Slowest of all Possible Elevators has not maintained up the excellent function and I apologize for that.
I started working on a new story and I’ve since abandoned it and started planning to work on something else.
I was writing a scary story for a contest by a podcast that I sometimes listen to. I now know that the contest is over, but I’m going to do it anyway. This is a big challenge for me as I tend to automatically lighten anything that would otherwise be scary in my writing.

Katya Sander, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, ...

Katya Sander, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Experimental, Etc., 2009 (Photo credit: 16 Miles of String)

I am fully aware that I am sabotaging myself by telling you about this plan. I am doing so because I am treating my not-contest-contest as a yes-contest-entry and giving you the chance to do the same. I will be the only judge, so I will probably win, but not necessarily. All entries must be short and full of words. I don’t actually expect any entries, but I like being wrong.